The Club is always delighted to receive offers from members to help with its organisation and running. While the formal Rules of the Club are set out on the Club Governance page (linked from the menu opposite), an indication of how the Club operates and how you could contribute is given below:
Council (made up of the key Officers and three or more other Members) is responsible for the management of the Club. It currently meets for around two hours, six times a year to
- approve the various Club activities
- consider interim and annual accounts and recommendations of the Treasurer (or others) concerning the Club’s budget and other financial matters, and
- carry out other business as appropriate
There is also a Field Activities Committee, with additional Field Officers who may elect not to attend Council. This Committee, which meets for around one hour up to six times a year, arranges the programme of field activities including walks, day excursions and longer outings, and liaises with the Treasurer to ensure such activities are self-financing.
Club Officers also generally take part in recruiting and welcoming new members at special events.
Click on these jump links to view an outline of the additional input provided by Council and other Officers (some of which can be shared roles)
Chair of Field Activities Committee
Chair of Research and Publications Committee
Communications/ Publicity Officer
Additional roles
Research and Publications Committee
To lead Council and provide strategic direction to the development of the Club, nominating Officers and Committee members, and chairing Council meetings and AGMs/SGMs.
To manage the Club’s finances, maintaining financial records and providing interim and annual accounts (the latter for presentation at the AGM), and financial guidance on budgets and investments. Also to manage the Club’s banking arrangements, agree the budgets for Club activities, and to verify and pay the various expenses incurred.
To offer support and advice to the Council and its sub-Committees on legal and other matters as appropriate.
Lecture Secretary
To arrange the 15-lecture programme for the year, bearing in mind member’s suggestions, selecting speakers and booking the two venues. On the day, open (and close) the Hall, look after the A/V equipment, introduce the speaker and orchestrate the post-talk questions. Prepare a brief review of each lecture for the Club’s Web pages; and prepare an update for Council meetings and a short report for the AGM.
Membership Secretary
To process new membership applications, maintain the membership records (including members’ contact details and contact preferences), collect subscriptions (liaising with the Treasurer) and keep a spreadsheet of attendance at lectures and events. Prepare a short report for Council meetings and an annual report for the AGM.
Communications/ Publicity Officer
To regularly communicate Club activities to members by email; prepare the regular Club Newsletter and the annual card calendar and arrange their printing and distribution to members as appropriate. Update the recruitment brochure for external events and the Club’s website annually, and provide such publicity material to and liaise with potential new members at lectures and marketing events.
Despatch Officer
To distribute the Club’s newsletters and other printed material, as appropriate.
Web Administrator
To keep the Club’s website updated.
Research and Publications Committee
To recommend the allocation of research grants and student bursaries to the Council; and to oversee the publication of occasional research papers by beneficiaries of these grants and members, and the publication of any special research booklets, which should be self-financing. Prepare a short report for the AGM.
Administrative Secretary
Council employs a freelance secretary to
- prepare draft agenda and minutes and forward appropriate papers for all Council, Field Activities Committee and Research and Publications Committee meetings (and General and Special Meetings)
- maintain the Club’s Facebook page with posts about Club activities, and prepare and send out items for inclusion in local newsletters.